Wednesday, 8 July 2015


Psalms 27:7-10
-Some gates can hinder the presence of God.
-The main purpose for interfering with the gates is so that one can prosper.
-People can be hindered because of the gates of the environment.
-we must know how to strategically open the gates.
-we must understand how to occupy the gates.
-Whoever  controls the gate controls the people.
-one will chase a thousand and two will chase two thousand .People need to work together.
-Blood devours the land it also cries for justice and if not taken care of ,it  will keep begging for more blood
-We need to stop any evil transactions of evil and darkness at the gates
-We have to deal with gates.
-When Abraham was called in different places he raised altars to possess and secure the land.
-Judges 26:31 .We must know how to deal with thin
-Ruth 32:1
-We must protect the gates of the cit
-The decree to which you pray determines the answer you will get.
-Pray the prayer of reversing the irreversibly.
John 2:2
-Manning and guarding the gates of your life is important
1.Gates of your life-mouth,eyes,ears
-Protect and guard the church families
-When God saves you, He covers and protects you-divine covering therefore we should protect ourselves that no evil no demon can penetrate